How To Setup Google Feedburner Feed To Your Blog ?
Google Feedburner is the best and free to use service to subscribe your blog posts by your blog users. It is the best option for marketing your blog post and informing about your latest post on the blog. It makes easy to update content updates My Yahoo, News-gator Bloglines and other more. Your content was delivered automatically via web portal, news reader, e-mail etc. It is also possible for site content can be packaged into widgets, gadgets, mobile device, postcard and other news headlines.
How to Setup Google Feed burner Feed to Your Blog?
Here are the steps to Setup Google Feed burner Feed to your blog.
# At first register to Google Feed burner.
You can register on it, by logging on using Google account.
Click Here To Register To Google Feed burner
Click on the Claim your feeds now button shown in image below.
On the next page you can move your feed burner feed if you are already using feed burner by log in into it, using feed burner's user and password or you can skip this step if you don't want.
Type blog or feed address on the box and click on next. If your blog have both Atom and Rss feed, you can select any one of them on the next screen. Edit your feed title and address if you want.
# Optimize your Feed using different services.
You can optimize more your feed using different services like Smart Cast, Smart Feed and Feed flare. Smart Cast service link to MP3s, videos, images, and other digital media in your site content and creates enclosures for them automatically. Smart Feed translates your feed on-the-fly into a format (RSS or Atom) compatible with your visitors' feed reader application. Feed Flare places a simple footer at the bottom of each content item, helping you to distribute, inform and create a community around your content. You can link the feed of flicker or Buzznet photos feed on it.
# Publicize your Feed to your or others site or blog.
You can publicize your Feed by using different services like Headline Animator, Buzz bust, Email Subscription, Ping Shot, Feed Count etc. By using Headline Animator you can animate your posts headline on your blog or other blog or site by placing the HTML code. Buzz bust helps you to promote your post by publishing your feeds by placing HTML code on other places. Ping Shot automatically checks for updates from your blog on its own time. You can also place Email subscription box on your blog by acquiring codes from here and Feed count graphic to show your subscribed users. Additionally you can publish your blog posts on social media like Twitter by linking your Twitter account and activating it, by using Socialize tab. You can also place your favorite icon to help users easily subscribe to your feed by using Chicklet Chooser.
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# Redirect your default feed to the Feedburner Feed.
After successfully setting up your Feed you can redirect your default feeds to the Feed burner Feed.
How to redirect blogger's default feed to the Feedburner Feed?
- At first go to your blogger account dashboard and click on settings tab.
- Paste your feed burners URL on post feed redirect URL box under the other tab.
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How To Setup Google Feedburner Feed To Your Blog ?
Reviewed by mohamed
1:53 ص

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